Thinking of Moving to Manchester? Here are 6 tips for commuting in the big city

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Thinking of Moving to Manchester? Here Are 6 Tips For Commuting in the Big City

Manchester is a beautiful and diverse city, full of creative businesses and amazing attractions, which is why it’s no wonder that so many individuals move here every year.

The city’s population has risen significantly over recent years, and it is projected to grow even further over the years to come.

With so many people moving to the city, Manchester’s local council has been working hard to ensure that there are many different commuting options to help you get where you need to go.

If you’re thinking about moving to Manchester in the future, then we’ve got a selection of tips on how you can make your commute simple and straightforward. 

Know Your Route

Before you start looking at commuting options, you should check the most common routes that you’ll need to take when you live in the city. This means exploring where you would work, and roughly where you would live, and then working out how far you’d need to travel. You can then explore the quickest routes and the transport options that you have. It’s not always possible to plan out an exact route before you make your move to the city, but by having a rough idea of where you’re going and the areas that you’ll need to travel through, you’ll have a better chance of optimising your commute and saving yourself time in the future. 

Check Out Public Transport Options

Public transport is prevalent throughout Manchester, and the city boasts everything from regular trains and buses through to Manchester Metrolink, the city’s tram service. When you’re thinking about how to commute around Manchester, you should explore the public transport options you have and try to work out the quickest and most efficient route. You might need to use more than one type of transport or even walk part of the journey in some cases, so learn what you’ll need to do and consider whether it’s the right option for you. 

Consider Leasing A Car

If you’re not a fan of public transport, or you have to travel far to reach your destination, then you might want to drive a car. Buying a vehicle outright is costly and means that you’ll be responsible for maintaining, checking and selling your car. An easier option is to lease a car. With a leased car, you get the flexibility to upgrade your vehicle once your lease is up, without having to go through the work of selling your old car. Companies like Vantage Leasing are based in Manchester and offer a range of car leasing options, so you can find the one that suits your needs with ease. 

Find A Carpool

For non-drivers or anyone who wants to reduce their carbon footprint, a carpool could be the ideal solution. By joining with a group of commuters who regularly drive in the same direction to and from work, you can save money, reduce your impact on the environment and make new friends all at the same time. Ask if your new workplace in Manchester has a carpool already organised and see if there is a space available in it for you. If your organisation is small, then you might want to check out community carpools or join with people who live near you and work in the same part of the city. 

Learn About The Busiest Times To Travel

As well as distance, it would help if you also considered the time that you travel to your destination. Certain times of day are busier than others, so you might find that you get stuck in traffic or get crammed uncomfortably onto your chosen form of public transport. If possible, you should see if you can travel at less congested times of the day. For example, if you have the option to adjust your working hours and work flexibility, then you might want to start and leave work during times that aren’t as busy so that you can travel in ease and comfort. 

Try Cycling 

Cycling is a great way to exercise and reach your destination quickly and efficiently. Bikes are easy to use and maintain, so cycling could be the perfect option for you, particularly if your commute isn’t too long. Taking your bike instead of using a car or public transport is also better for the environment, so you’ll be able to do your bit for the planet if you choose to commute by bike. Manchester is a great city to cycle in, as the council has worked hard over the years to make the roads safe for bicyclists. There are many incredible cycling routes throughout Manchester, so you’ll be able to find one that suits your purpose and gets you to your destination in no time. 

Manchester is a safe and accessible city that’s great for a wide variety of commuters. Use these tips to optimise your daily commute and plan your route before you relocate to this amazing and dynamic city.