Mimi Webb on her upcoming single, Jonas Brothers and entering her popstar era

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Mimi Webb is one of UK pop’s leading ladies right now and if her latest singles are anything to go by she will continue to be a staple for many more years to come.

The singer, who is 24, has been steadily growing her fanbase since 2020. Releasing her debut EP ‘Seven Shades of Heartbreak’ in 2021, then setting our homes ablaze with the smash hit ‘House On Fire’ in 2022, later releasing her debut album ‘Amelia’ in 2023, she is building quite an impressive portfolio.

Known for her endless pop roster like ‘Good Without’, ‘Ghost Of You’, ’24/5’, Webb recently visited our glorious city and has big plans on returning soon.

We sat down for a chat with the Canterbury superstar days after her Manchester gig at Co Op Live where she’s supporting the Jonas Brothers on the remainder of their European tour.

Mimi Webb | The Interview 

What is it like touring with the Jonas Brothers?

It’s going so well. I just love this show, because I’ve been able to sink my teeth into it and really go for it. I’m just happy that we’re being able to have the kind of opportunity to expand our own show.

Manchester was one of the first dates on the tour, how did that set you up for the rest of the shows – How good was the Manchester crowd?

Manchester is just one of the main cities in the UK that just goes so hard for me at shows, I had the best time. It was such a cool, cool show. And I think it’s great to keep growing and growing the show every night and trying to figure out new things I want to do on stage and just kind of building the blocks of my performance.

So having played Manchester quite a few times now, do you have any favorite spots that you like to go to?

My friend actually lived in Manchester for a bit, and she was always telling me about Blank Street (Coffee) so we popped in there, because I was like, I need to go and see it. We normally just go for a nice dinner and drinks, wherever we can. There was a really nice Italian called Fumo too.

You’ve played lots of Manchester venues, what did you think of playing Co Op Live for the first time?

Well, it’s crazy, because there they were telling me how new it was, and the backstage is gorgeous, you can tell it’s new, and they’ve really got into it. It was really cool to be there and be one of the first, among other artists to play that arena, it was so cool!

Now I know that you have a song called ‘Red Flags’, does Manchester have any red flags?

The traffic. I remember, I went out for a massage and on the way I was like get me there now, this is too long!

‘Erase You’ is your latest single – Talk me through it?

I’ve been writing a lot of my new music in LA so it’s like a change of environment. And it was really cool to go into the room and just kind of write a song where it’s kind of the last farewell. I remember saying,, I just want to erase this person and have them completely gone.  I wanted to write a song about that, but I don’t want it to feel too angry. I wanted to have that sassy fun to it too.

We really achieved that with this song. And it was fun to be in LA. And I feel like when I’m there I I’m the same person, but with a different energy.  It’s perfect to tap into the feeling that you’re done with all the BS. 

What can we expect from your second album?

I feel like I’m the 2.0 Mimi Webb. With house on fire, I loved the whole process of the writing, the recording, the video and then releasing it. That’s just the whole vibe. I want to write stuff that really locks me back into that feeling that I had when ‘House On Fire’ dropped. So a lot of the new songs are very upbeat pop, sassy, and they’ve also got a lot of darker meanings and emotions running through them.

I’ve dipped into a little bit of country, writing country songs, it’s coming together really nicely, it’s a little album of everything I wanted all in one place. I’m coming into my popstar era.. I’ve always been the loudest one in the room and I feel like now I’m able to really show me, as a person and an artist. 

You’re working with Ryan Tedder (known for Greedy – Tate McRae, Welcome to New York – Taylor Swift), he’s been involved on the past two singles, ‘Mistake’ and ‘Erase You’ – How did that come about?

So I met Ryan in Malta at an MTV show there two years ago. Me, One Republic, and a couple more artists were performing. It was so cool because I could just easily meet him. I went up and just said “Hi”. My mum was like “Go, and you can do it” . I was nervous, but I pulled through. And yeah, I was like, “Right, how are we doing? Can we,get a session in the studio?”. He was like, “Yeah, this is so cool. Like, nice to meet you. I’ve heard a lot about you”. Then four months later, I got the call, we got the session, and I was like, “Oh my god”, I went to LA andthen we started writing.

When you’re in tour mode, what things do you have to bring with you?

My steamer, my hair products,  makeup and I really love a robe and then a good tracksuit for sound check. 

After touring with the Jonas Brothers, what can we expect from yourself?

Christmas! Christmas shows. I might drop a new song before the year ends. Then next year, it will all just be about finishing up the album and tying it up, figuring out what we’re going to release next.

And finally, when can we catch you in Manchester again?

Hopefully, very soon! I loved it. Manchester was such a great show, it was a really good night.

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Having a chat with one of the main artists who is currently leading the soundscape of the 21st century music scene is very fascinating. It’s great to see that Webb genuinely loves what she does and it’s noticeable through the songs she writes and the ability she has to command any stage. Bring on 2025 and bring on the sophmore project – you can never have too much Mimi Webb!

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Featured Image: Colin Solal Cardo