Harry Maguire announced as an official patron for The Children’s Hospital Charity in Sheffield

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Harry Maguire new patron of The Children's Hospital Charity NHS Foundation Trust in Sheffield

Manchester United and England defender Harry Maguire has been officially announced as the latest patron of the much-loved Children’s Hospital Charity in Sheffield.

Based in South Yorkshire where the Man United was born and raised, having worked his way up through the youth ranks at Sheffield United between 2011-2014, The Children’s Hospital Charity (CHC) unveiled Maguire as one of their newest ambassadors on Wednesday, becoming the 14th famous face to do so.

One of many athletes who have committed themselves to the cause which helps not only treat children but change their lives, the former Blade didn’t hesitate to help repay his local area, stating: “Growing up, Sheffield Children’s was always there for me and my siblings.

As a father and one of four Maguire children himself, the England international said he was “honoured to be invited to be a patron of this amazing cause” that is so close to his family’s heart.

The Sheffield Children’s NHS Foundation Trust is one of only three standalone children’s trusts in the UK — Alder Hey and Great Ormond Street being the two others — the charity is currently fundraising for a number of projects including a new major trauma unit and a helipad.

Maguire went on to say, “Being a dad myself and speaking to the parents of patients when I visited [back in December 2023], I can’t imagine how tough it must be.

“The charity does amazing things and I’m looking forward to getting involved and making a difference.”

As for the CHC itself, CEO John Armstrong said he was “ecstatic” to have Maguire as a patron, adding that “the charity helps Sheffield Children’s to go above and beyond the NHS provision, and having Harry on board to support us is an amazing achievement.”

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Given the amount of stick the 30-year-old centre-back has received on the pitch over the past couple of years, it’s nice to see him not only having recovered some form but people be given a reminder that he is by all accounts a very sound bloke.

He’s also done countless work with the Manchester United Foundation, as well as local hospitals and charities around Greater Manchester.

Well in, Harry.

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Featured Images — Harry Maguire/The Children’s Hospital Charity (via Instagram)