Popup cycle lanes have just made cycling into town much easier

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Images showing popup cycle lanes appearing in Manchester have surfaced on Twitter.

The pictures show marked roads being separated by cones and arrow signs – with a notice sat at the top of one lane containing a message that says: “M.C.C. why no popup cycle lanes here?”

Environmental group Extinction Rebellion are thought to be behind the popup lanes on the A56 – which provide a bike route “from the Trafford border to the Deansgate Interchange.”

The popup cycle lanes, which appear to have been built without approval from Manchester City Council, have sparked debate among road users.

Some have applauded the move whilst others are anticipating the lane’s swift removal – as the council could potentially regard the paths as being unsafe.

Some new cycle lanes in Manchester have already vanished after drivers complained of additional traffic, with one route in Timperley being built over the past weekend and then disappearing by Tuesday morning.

Extinction Rebellion are now appearing to build their own paths instead.

According to reports, councils within the Greater Manchester region have submitted a joint bid for £21.5m of government money which will be put towards a 200km pop-up cycle network.