CCTV of man stealing a Lay-Z Spa in Failsworth goes viral

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“Does anybody know who this is?!”

That’s probably one of the most common phrases uttered on Facebook these days, often accompanied by grainy screenshots from a CCTV system that has caught local chancers trying car door handles and climbing over dodgy side gates.

In the recent history of Failsworth – a small town sandwiched between Oldham and Newton Heath – this is happening more often than ever and with the rise of local Facebook groups in areas like these, it’s an impossible challenge to scroll your newsfeed without coming across stills of hoodlums on the rob.

The majority of the time, they’re after your car, or something expensive you’ve left on your kitchen side. Very rarely will someone fancy a chance at your Lay-Z Spa… But that wasn’t the case in Failsworth this week when local Dan Williams had his blow up hot tub robbed by one guy on two wheels.

Writing on Facebook, Dan from Failsworth posted: “Does anybody know who this is?! Stolen my lazy spa out of my garden early hours this morning. Caught him on CCTV ?! Failsworth area.”

Basically, some mad guy spotted Dan’s Lay-Z Spa over his garden fence and thought it’d be a solid idea to whack it on his bonce and make a break for it on his bike – a bike he probably spotted over someone’s garden fence.

Due to the unique nature of the robbery and the (hilarious) CCTV still, the post has understandably caught some heat on Facebook generating over 2,500 shares since Dan posted it yesterday morning.


He told The Manc: “It was just a normal day really, I left for work like any other day.

“Then I got a phone call off my missus that the hot tub had disappeared… then shortly after that we got the CCTV and saw what had happened.”

As of right now, the Lay-Z Spa is still being held captive by the unknown assailant – who is probably planning the summer of a life time in his backyard this year.

If you do know anything about this crime, give 101 a call to let Greater Manchester Police’s Crimestoppers department know. You can also visit this link to report it.