First look images showing a major new multi-million pound housing scheme in Rochdale have been released.
The long-awaited redevelopment of a vacant brownfield site close to Rochdale town centre has moved a step closer this week, following a £15 million funding award from the Government’s community regeneration partnership.
The scheme, which is known as Station Gardens, will feature more than 200 homes – including both apartments and houses – and a park for the use of the wider community, as well as a retail unit on the site of former central retail park close to the borough’s main train station, which has stood vacant for more than a decade.
Rochdale Council says the Government’s funding has given the scheme a ‘much needed jumpstart’ and contractors are expected to ‘start build out of the site this year’.
As well as the housing scheme, the funding will also support a project aiming to ‘breathe new life’ into empty town centre units by creating local craft workspaces, retail outlets, and a youth arts centre to help community engagement.
It will also support the rebuild of one of the buildings on Hopwood Hall College’s Rochdale campus to create an additional floor for Higher Education and Access Students.
33 new build-to-rent apartments will be created on the corner of Maclure Road and Station Road, just across the road from the train station too, using funding from the Greater Manchester Combined Authority‘s (GMCA) brownfield land fund, and contractors are expected to start delivering this scheme in late spring.
The Station Gardens scheme is also part of the borough’s wider rail strategy, seeking to redevelop brownfield sites around the borough’s five railway stations.
Up to 7,000 new homes and new employment sites should be delivered by the end of it.
“This scheme will transform an empty brownfield site into much needed new homes, including affordable homes, and a high-quality public park and will bring huge benefits to the wider area,” commented Councillor Danny Meredith, who is the cabinet member for housing and regeneration at Rochdale Borough Council.
“Situated just minutes from our newly regenerated Rochdale town centre and the train station, which gives easy access to Manchester, Leeds and the rest of the borough, this is a fantastic site for new homes.”
Featured Image – Rochdale Council