Jackpot: Eccles speed dealer stashes £192k in Cops & Robbers gambling machine

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Police found almost £200,000 stuffed inside a Cops and Robbers gambling machine during a raid on suspected amphetamines dealers last week.

Police executed warrants to search three Salford addresses on June 3 – including properties on Westwood Crescent and Old School Court in Eccles and Mitcheson Gardens.

Officers discovered a large quantity of cash within locked safe deposit boxes, as well as thousands hidden inside an old slot machine.

£192,210 was recovered in total – alongside controlled substances packaged for supply, believed to be amphetamine.

Officers recovered almost £200k from an old Cops & Robbers slot machine in Salford / Image: GMP

One man has already admitted money laundering and drug offences and is set to be sentenced at a later date.

Another suspect has been released whilst enquires continue.

The raids were conducted as part of GMP Salford’s Operation Naseby – a taskforce set up to tackle organised crime in the city.

Since its inception in April 2020, police say there has been a 40% drop in firearms discharges as a result.

Featured image: GMP