Bukky Baldwin: The black-owned fashion brand helping marginalised communities in Manchester

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Bukky Baldwin

Based at The Yard in Cheetham Hill, Bukky Baldwin is using abstract clothing to create a positive change in Manchester.

Ibukun, the brand’s founder, was eager to create a community for Manchester’s most vulnerable groups and help them by offering employment prospects, turning to her love of fashion to do so.

Her brand is passionate about doing things differently to other clothing labels – ‘flipping the script’ on the ethics and inclusivity of the fashion industry.

‘Made in Manchester, for Manchester’ is the message at the core of Bukky Baldwin – with the brand supporting the community through workshops and clothing-based classes to equip marginalised groups with valuable skills.

Despite the current lockdown, Bukky Baldwin has still been engaging with charities and creating workshop packs to continue support efforts via Zoom.

The company’s goal is to continually provide opportunities for local disadvantaged groups, whether that’s through learning new skills or creating employment in the textile industry.

Bukky Baldwin is also incredibly eco-conscious, creating classic garments that are intended to be worn forever by using recycled materials that are produced locally.

The brand’s efforts to minimise waste material has also led to some creative and unusual garments – including a patchwork collection designed to utilise excess material.

Although Bukky Baldwin has gone to great lengths to help fellow Mancunians, the brand still has an ambitious vision for their future.

While the company is still operating as a small independent business, its main goal is to employ refugees and vulnerable groups to work in garment-making and other roles, when they are able to.

We can’t wait to see what the brand does next to help our local community.

You can shop Bukky Baldwin’s collection of artistic garments and support their efforts to help the community via their website.