Lunar Thorn: Manchester’s newest adventure apparel brand launched in lockdown

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Lockdown divided the nation into two categories: The outdoor explorers and the Netflix binge-watchers. And one local clothing brand is catering to both.

Lunar Thorn adventure apparel was launched in lockdown by Paige Rose – a Mancunian single mother who wanted to create eco-conscious adventure threads that doubled as loungewear.

Whilst Paige has been passionate about exploring for years, the first lockdown felt like the perfect time to get her concept off the ground – providing t-shirts and hoodies with wanderlust prints for people turning to nature for freedom.

“People started to explore the outdoors more, simply because they couldn’t do anything else,” says Paige.

“It was the release we all needed when confined to our homes.”

After becoming a new mum, Paige felt her entire life shift to focus on parenthood – and it changed her perspective on things.

“I was so focused on being the best mother I could be, I forgot what I liked to do,” she explains.

“My entire purpose in life shifted to accommodate the bundle of joy that I’d made. And in that I felt that I lost some of my identity whilst also gaining a new one.”

As lockdown ebbed on, Paige found solace in nature and started using her daily hour of exercise to visit local parks and sights.

“The outdoors just has the most serene effect on a lost soul,” she mused.

“It was exactly what I needed.”

Paige’s reignited passion for exploring led her to establish Lunar Thorn – which had been a dream of hers for years.

After lots of hard work, Manchester’s latest adventure apparel brand was officially launched – targeting a gap in the market for sustainable outdoor clothing that was comfortable enough for TV marathons.

Lunar Thorn

“You can find adventure anywhere!” says Paige, encouraging everyone to get outside and experience the sights around them.

“Whether that be in the big city, a small town or even at home in your heart. It all starts with that spark and drive like it did for me.”

Despite living on the outskirts of Manchester, Paige hasn’t let the city inhibit these experiences.

“Manchester has so many hidden gems – from the scenic routes along the canal to the bigger parks and even the country roads that link some of the towns.

“The possibilities of adventure in the borough are endless.”

Paige has always been fond of the outdoors – and some of her best childhood memories involve exploring.

“I grew up the eldest of 4 siblings on a council estate,” she says.

“Although our mum worked hard for everything we had, we appreciated the smallest of things because we knew money was tight.

“The one thing we looked forward to wasn’t the material things but spending time with the family as a whole. Whether that be going to local parks, a walk down the canal or for a drive to the beach.”

Not only have these memories lasted a lifetime for Paige, but she is also keen to pass down these experiences to her son via Lunar Thorn.

The brand is also committed to giving back to the environment through its sustainable efforts – with products made entirely of organic or circulated cotton and produced in renewable plants/factories to minimise impact on the planet.

Lunar Thorn supports numerous charity events, too, including the One Tee 1kg campaign which helps to clear plastic waste from the ocean and the Buy One Get One Tree project, which co-operates with various tree planting organisations in Madagascar.

It is these small acts of charity that are really making a difference.

As for the future, Lunar Thorn is ambitious as ever. While the company will continue to create more products and collections, the main focus is to raise awareness for the brand and amazing causes it stands for.

“My final goal is creating something worth passing down to my son,” Paige states.

“And giving him the start in life I dreamed of when growing up!”

Their entire collection of adventure apparel is available to purchase on the Lunar Thorn website.