Men ‘from Manchester’ are having dogging parties in the bushes behind Big Baps roadside cafe

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The owner of a roadside cafe in Yorkshire claim that men “from Manchester” are holding dogging parties in the bushes behind them.

Sharon Wherrett – the co-owner of Big Baps @ Junction 25 in Brighouse – said that she sees at least “two or three doggers” every morning as she is serving customers their breakfast, and claims that the men in question are coming “from Manchester”.

Apparently, sometimes there are so many people that there’s no room for lorry drivers and other drivers to park in the lay-by next to the cafe.

Sharon claims that the wooded area behind her cafe is littered with condoms and old mattresses that are used for people to have sex on, and after having repeatedly reported the issue to her local MP and the police, she now feels she needs to warn walkers in the area herself.

“If you came and had breakfast at our cafe, you’d see two or three doggers, guaranteed,” Sharon told Yorkshire Live.

“Most people think it’s funny, but it’s actually really seedy.

“There’s a charity that comes down and puts condoms and lube in the trees.”

Sharon added: “Families want to walk down there and we have to warn them ‘actually no it’s a male dogging site down there’ and we get homophobic comments, it’s just terrible.

The owner of Big Baps @ Junction 25 said that she sees at least “two or three doggers” every morning / Credit: Google Maps

“If it were a female and male dogging site, I’d feel exactly the same [but] that just doesn’t come in to it – it’s the fact that it’s a dogging site.

“There’s a hotel 20 yards up the road, I’m sure they would appreciate the business.”

Sharon claims that men come “from Manchester” to attend dogging parties behind the layby, which is having a real impact on her business, and not only because lorry drivers are often left without a safe place to park for their rest breaks.

“The truckers who do manage to park there on a night get propositioned, they knock on the cab and say ‘dya fancy a bit?’,” Sharon continued.

“Sunday afternoon is worse and on a night, they come from Manchester and have parties down there.

“A lot of them have car seats in the car, with baby seats.”

She concluded: “The main thing I’d love to do is for truckers to be able to park [as] they come in depressed, they’re away from their families and they want a warm meal.”

Featured Image – Google Maps