Staffordshire Bull Terriers are officially the UK’s favourite dog breed

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The public have officially named Staffordshire Bull Terriers as the UK’s favourite dog breed.

Online dog community TeamDogs teamed up with pet food company Pooch and Mutt to find the country’s best-loved breed – inviting thousands to vote for the winner.

The competition started three weeks ago on 26 July, with 47 breeds to choose from.

TeamDogs then also added five other breeds into the mix that it felt deserved a place in the competition – Doberman, Samoyed, Great Dane, Bedlington Terrier, and Akita.

But none could compete with the love shown for Staffies.

The Top 10 Favourite Dog Breeds in the UK

  1. Staffordshire Bull Terrier
  2. Black Labrador
  3. Boxer
  4. Greyhound
  5. Border Collie
  6. German Shepherd
  7. Cockapoo
  8. Border Terrier
  9. Cocker Spaniel
  10. Jack Russell

Each week that voting took place, the bottom ten breeds out of the 52 were put in “the dog house” and therefore eliminated from the competition, until Staffies ultimately took the well-deserved top spot.

Black Labradors, Boxers, Greyhounds, and Border Collies also all proved very popular.

German Shepherds, Cockapoos, Border Terriers, Cocker Spaniels, and Jack Russells all rounded out the top 10.

Fancy seeing the list in full? Check out the TeamDogs website.

Featured Image – Max Pixels