You can now get paid £1,000 to eat chicken dippers – and win a year’s supply too

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If you find yourself craving your childhood comfort foods, like chicken dippers and smiley faces, then we have the perfect job for you. 

Birds Eye is recruiting someone to be its ‘Chief Dipping Officer’ to taste test chicken dippers and also to test the best sauce-dipping strategies. 

The ideal candidate will test a range of dipping sauces and chicken dipper combinations, must have an understanding of sauce to dipper ratios, and will then be required to share their ideas on social media with other foodies to advise the best way to dip and try some of the weirdest sauce combinations. 

The chosen candidate will get paid a whopping £1,000 for their time.

The only catch is that candidates have to eat them on camera – but Bird’s Eye said it would take no longer than four hours, which we think is a pretty good deal. 

They will also receive a year’s supply of chicken dippers too. 

Birds Eye is recruiting someone to be its ‘Chief Dipping Officer’ to taste test chicken dippers and also to test the best sauce-dipping strategies / Credit: BirdsEye

The newly-created role was founded after a Birds Eye study found Brits have very strong views on how best to eat chicken dippers. 

The survey found that 84% said dipping sauce is absolutely necessary, 42% said it is absolutely unacceptable to double-dip, and a massive 60% said tomato ketchup is the best dipping sauce for chicken dippers. 

Speaking on the search for the new ‘Chief Dipping Officer’, a spokesperson for Birds Eye said: “We’re really excited to be on the hunt for our new Chief Dipping Officer and we’re looking forward to seeing what hopefuls think they can bring to the job, as well as providing some expert dipping tips to share with the nation.”

The full job description is on the Birds Eye website with information on how to apply. 

People interested should also send a 250-word covering letter to explaining why they would be the perfect candidate, and it’s important to note that the most creative applicants will be given extra consideration, so photo submissions are very much encouraged. 

Featured Image – Birds Eye