Cat stabbed nine times recovers and finds a new family in Wigan
RSPCA inspector Ryan King described seven-year-old Katie the cat's recovery as a "remarkable turnaround".

A rescue cat that was stabbed nine times has made what can only be described as a miraculous recovery and has found a home with a loving new owner in Wigan.
The seven-year-old cat named Katie nearly died after her attacker – who was suffering from a mental health episode – repeatedly stabbed her earlier this year, and was rushed for emergency treatment at a nearby vets.
Katie needed multiple stitches and some of her fur shaved off as she was operated on.
It was touch and go whether she would pull through – but the brave cat fully recuperated from her ordeal.
Following the life-saving procedure, Katie was then rescued by the RSPCA – who rehabilitated her at the charity’s Oldham and Bury branch.
RSPCA inspector Ryan King described Katie’s recovery as a “remarkable turnaround”.
Two months after being stabbed, Katie was fighting fit and ready for adoption, which is when she met her new loving owner – 28-year-old Jasmine Dickinson.
Explaining her decision to adopt Katie, Jasmine said: “I had cats as pets when I was younger and was looking to adopt when I came across Katie [so] I applied to be her owner and the centre told me what she had been through.”
“I was even more keen to offer her a loving home,” Jasmine added.
The adoption finalised in March this year, and Jasmine took Katie back to her home in Wigan.

Jasmine continued: “She is such a sweet-natured cat and she has really latched on to me – wherever I am, she is not far away.
“She loves to sit on my knee and is very affectionate and likes to be stroked.
“Sometimes she gets nervous, especially if people come to the house who she is unfamiliar with at first she would run and hide under the bed, but she seems to be getting used to this more now.
“When I first got her in March, you could see some scars – but her fur has grown back lovely and she has put on weight.”
“She seems such a happy and content cat, and has made a great addition to my home,” Jasmine admitted.
Featured Image – RSPCA