Five Manchester artists we’ve been listening to this month | April 2024

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Best new Manchester music artists April 2024

Oh yes, it’s that time again – time for our favourite thing: sharing a bunch of great tunes with our mates, i.e. you lot and, of course, they all happen to artists from the wonderful world that is the Manchester music scene.

Be it a band, solo artist or any other configuration you like, we spend a good chunk of our time every month digging through the best stuff coming out of this city and the surrounding boroughs.

Luckily, there’s so much talent around these parts that we never struggle for choice, the only tough bit is singling out a mere handful every few weeks.

It’s tough work, we know, but we keep calm and carry on, for you. You’re welcome. Anyway, enough of that, let’s get stuck into the Manchester artists who’ve released new music or those who’ve simply stood out to us of late.

Five Manc bands and solo artists on our radar recently

1. Antony Szmierek

First up is the local king of spoken word and multi-talented Antony Szmierek from Hyde, whose melodic poetry spans multiple genres from hip-hop and electronic to alternative and even indie notes here and there, but always comes back to one core linchpin: the lyrics.

Bursting onto the scene with his debut EP, Poems To Dance To, back in 2023 – a title that still pretty much sums up his whole style – we’ve got a lot of love for the teacher who’s split his time between mentoring children with special needs and chasing his dream. Now he gets to go full speed on the latter.

The obvious love for literature runs throughout all of his material but it’s always delivered in such an effortlessly relatable, casual and almost conversational manner, as if you’re just sat in listening to his stream of consciousness. ‘Heaven Is Other People’, ‘The Words to Auld Lang Syne’ and ‘Rounders’ are our entry points, but you’ll get a little something different from all of them – and you’ll definitely dance.

2. The Rolling People

Over to Stockport next and no, we won’t be listening to any ‘it’s Cheshire nonsense’ today because we firmly want to put The Rolling People in our camp as there’s something just so familiar about them even though they’ve only just started putting out music.

The Stopfordian four-piece delivers good defiant British rock with very few frills, often fast-paced and Oasis-sounding in riffs, whilst other times reminding us of Shed Seven and drawing other contemporary comparisons such as The Crooks or resembling Tom Concannon of The Stanleys in vocals only just a touch gruffer.

These lads are still only in college but given how big they sound already, we’re expecting great things from them. For your first listen, there isn’t tonnes to get through but we’d go for ‘Grateful For Nothing’, ‘I’ll Be There’ and their latest single which has seen some love on Radio X, ‘Before It’s Gone’.

They also appeared on one of StreamGM’s most recent episodes of Spill The Sound.

3. Pip Millett

Another big genre swing now and we’re going to the R&B meets funk and soul stylings of the ever-so-smooth Pip Millett, who might just be one of our favourite artists in Manchester at the minute, let alone outright vocalists.

Having hit another boom following her most recent COLOURS performance, we do not forgive if you’re only coming across her (tut-tut) but she’s been pretty prolific when it comes to releasing music ever since 2018 and has already collaborated with Maverick Sabre, Chase and Status, Ghetts and more.

We reckon you won’t find many better singers in Greater Manchester right now and if you enjoy female artists like Jorja Smith, Joy Crookes and Miraa May, you’ll love ‘r Pip. Start with ‘Heavenly Mother’, ‘June’ ‘Slow’ and go from there. We truly think she’s going full global soon enough so enjoy here whilst she’s still kind of our little secret.

It’s not her first time either.

4. Alex Spencer

Back to the guitar-driven stuff now and another solo artist who’s been putting in the hard yards for some time now but is finally starting to reap the rewards. It’s everyone’s favourite curly-haired busker, Alex Spencer.

The young lad from Droylsden has gradually gone from chatting with us lot on Market Street and playing City Square at the Etihad before games to now playing for the players themselves, supporting the likes of fellow Manc rising star Seb Lowe on tour and booking his biggest headline shows yet.

He’s having quite the journey for someone who only just finished his GCSEs back in June 2023 and now that he’s signed to the same label as The Lottery Winners and The Coral, he can really push on. ‘Do What I Wanna’ and ‘Love And Let Go’ are probably his most well-rounded tracks, but we’ve still got a soft spot for his debut ‘A Night To Waste’ as we know the graft that went into getting to that point.

Still only 17. Mad.

5. cruush

Now to our final act and we have only two moods left: head-bobbing while our hair drapes to the ground or lying up on our backs as we stare up at a starry sky. That’s our best description of how the shoegaze approach of Manchester alt-rock outfit cruush makes us feel.

That new wave space in music can sometimes be a hard-to-define corner of modern music and that’s often why we love it so much but, in the case of this fuzzy-sounding local foursome, those distorted guitars and and floating vocals are textbook.

You get notes of everything from Wolf Alice and Slowdive to My Bloody Valentine and even Drop Nineteens if the lead singer was a girl. They’re everything you want from modern shoegaze and whether it’s ‘Ladybird Song’, ‘Stick in the Mud’ or ‘All My Plants Are Dead’, they never deviate too far from a winning formula we know and love.

Read more:

Aww, and that’s all she wrote for another month. It always goes so quick.

We know you’re gutted, we are too but don’t worry, the thing about these regular series and having such a rich pool to fish from is that we’ll be back with more up-and-coming Manchester artists come the end of May – god, isn’t finding new music just the best?

Keep soaking in those tunes, folks, and be sure to let us know who you’ve been enjoying lately in the comments. We thank you in advance.

Oh, and of course, if you haven’t caught up on our picks from last month, look no further.

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Featured Images — Pip Millett (via Facebook)/cruush (via IG)/Press Image