Lockdown inspires new era of dog names – including ‘Zoom’, ‘Boris’ and ‘Big Mac’

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Lockdown has given birth to a new wave of dog names in Britain – with pet owners taking inspiration from the most prevalent features and characters of quarantine.

According to personalised dog shop Yappy.com, there has been an astonishing 325% rise in the number of pets named ‘Boris’ over the past six months – although it’s unclear whether that news would please or disappoint our current Prime Minister.

Dog owners have also started to name their new pooches after defining components of quarantine: namely Technology and fast food.

The number of pooches named ‘Zoom’ has risen 75% in 2020, whereas we’re also beginning to see a lot more canines called ‘Big Mac’.

‘Nugget’ also ranked high.


The ‘Top 10 Lockdown-Inspired Dog Names’ were ranked in their percentage rise by Yappy.com, and the results were as follows:

  1. Boris +325% 
  2. Zoom +75%
  3. Big Mac +56% 
  4. Whopper +48%
  5. Nugget +42%
  6. Bubbles +35%
  7. Rainbow +29%
  8. Hope +25%
  9. Costa +22%
  10. Waffles +16%

A little further down the list were names like ‘Oreo’, ‘Cookie’ and ‘Guinness’.

‘Dumpling’ also made it into the top twenty.


Yappy.com’s Head of the pack John Smith says: “We saw a record number of new registrations to our personalised dog gift shop during lockdown and it’s apparent that the nation’s dog owners are being more creative than ever when naming their dogs, with current world events, TV shows and even favourite food and drink influencing their choices. 

“Judging by the quirky names profiled on our online shop during lockdown, we predict there will be some really quirky names signed at the bottom of Christmas cards this year.”

New pet registrations have soared since COVID-19 sent the country into quarantine in March – with many people desiring a companion during isolation.

A ‘puppy boom’ has also occurred as a result of lockdown, with the likes of local charity Dogs4Rescue aiming to open a second site to cater for demand.