Aria Cove: The smash-hit womenswear brand created by two MMU fashion graduates

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Aria Cove was launched in 2018 by two MMU students, and in the blink of an eye, it has become one of the city’s most popular Instagrammable boutiques.

With 28k Instagram followers and counting, there’s no doubt that Aria Cove has made a splash in the world of fashion.

For many, the brand is their go-to source for all the trendiest garments at a comfortable price, and even online fashion kingpin ASOS have wanted a slice of the pie – striking a deal to stock exclusive Aria Cove lines.

But how did this iconic brand find its footing?

Aria Cove was launched by Lucy Owen and Ellie Wright, who both studied Fashion Buying and Merchandising at MMU.

They quickly formed a friendship on the course and dreamed of starting their own clothing business together. Fast forward to 2021 and they’re at the top of their game!

Aria Cove aims to give women confidence in what they wear through their selection of luxury garments.

The brand’s mantra perfectly sums up their courageous and empowering spirit: “Aria Cove is an attitude.”

From tailored cropped blazers to June 21st-ready dresses, the brand caters to all of Manchester’s latest trends and hottest new styles.

Aria Cove pieces are affordable and can be reworked in numerous different ways, meaning luxury attire is no longer off limits for the working woman.

When asked by Manchester Fashion Institute, Lucy and Ellie said they aim to “create luxury products that are accessible to all women to give them the fashion they need”, and we can confidently say they are doing exactly that.

Aria Cove also boasts a ‘circular fashion’ model that is mindful of the environment when creating these effortlessly stylish pieces.

They have teamed up with ReGAIN to reduce the pile-up of unwanted clothes in landfill, allowing customers to turn their unwanted items into discounts when shopping at Aria Cove.

The clothing brand isn’t the only recent success from MMU’s fashion department: recently, their staff and students collaborated with Manchester City FC to create and donate children’s hospital gowns.

You can purchase Aria Cove’s selection of stylish pieces from their website.