The infamous Handforth Parish Council chairman has quit his position

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The chairman of Handforth Parish Council who famously told national treasure Jackie Weaver that she “had no authority here” before she booted him off a Zoom meeting in February, has quit his position.

Brian Tolver, 74, made headlines back in February after one of the council’s Zoom meetings descended into absolute chaos – with raised voices, hysterical laughter, endless complaints, passive aggressive behaviour, and swearing councillors trading insults left, right and centre – and went viral, racking up millions of views on YouTube and social media.

During the meeting, he coined the infamous catchphrase that took over the world when he told stand-in clerk Jackie Weaver she had “no authority here”.

Many will remember Jackie then used her authority to remove Mr Tolver from the meeting.

And now, despite Jackie Weaver having recently apologised for losing “my cool” and insisting that he was right in that meeting, Mr Tolver resigned from his position during a meeting on 20th April.

He did not provide a reason as to why.

Councillor John Smith asked the chairman whether he was quitting his role at the parish council after claims Mr Tolver told a reporter from The Economist via an email exchange that Handforth Parish Council should not exist and was supporting the proposal of a merger with neighbouring Wilmslow.

Cllr Smith said: “You mentioned an email exchange between yourself and the reporter from The Economist and his actual quote was ‘do you believe that Handforth Parish Council should exist’ and you replied ‘of course not that is what this is all about’, so I think that is unequivocal where you stand”.

Handforth Parish Council / YouTube – ma0sm

Mr Tolver said he did not recall exchanging any emails and after more back and forth, Cllr Smith repeated his question, saying: “The question was will you resign from your position as chair, as you don’t want Handforth Parish Council to exist?”

Mr Tolver replied: “I intend to resign as chair, but not for that reason.”

When asked when he intends to formally tend his resignation and leave the position, the chairman said “at the end of this meeting”.

Featured Image – Handforth Parish Council