This is the real artist behind that ‘Banksy’ street art mural in Stockport

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Do you remember earlier this week when a new piece of street art resembling the work of Banksy appeared on the side wall of a Stockport pub?

The mural – appeared on the side of The Griffin Hotel in Heaton Mersey – and features a young boy painted in black and white flying a bright yellow kite with an acid house-style face but with sad expression.

Given that the style of the mural was so instinctive, the pub landlords had no idea how it go there, no artist name had been left, and the work appeared to have been done overnight, it lead many local local residents to believe that it could be a genuine Banksy work – who’s identity still remains top secret.

But despite all the talk of the town and rumours that there could be a “Banksy in Stockport”, it’s finally been revealed that painting is not the work of the world-famous artist.

It might not be a Banksy, but the real artist also remains anonymous and uses a pseudonym.

Salford-based artist Mr Eggs says he has “appreciated” street art for the past 15 years or so now, but has always laughed off Banksy comparisons when they’ve previously come up, saying: “It’s not like he invented spray can art.”

Local residents believed it was a genuine Banksy work / Credit: Facebook (Griffin Hotel)

Mr Eggs told the MEN: “That’s weird as everyone always puts stencilling down to him.

“It’s been around for years and there are a lot of good artists out there, but it’s always Banksy who gets any air time and publicity. I’m the only person in the world to have smuggled a painting into a Banksy show so I don’t think I’m on his favourites list.

“I do like his work though.”

Mr Eggs also gave an insight into the meaning of the now-viral street art piece – which has been shared all over social media this week – Mr Eggs added: “The boy is inspired by the sadness of the refugee crisis [as] I know so many people are arriving here with just the clothes on their backs and times are hard here too.

“I know many people have given all they can to try and help but it must be very difficult for families to be broken apart.

“The acid house reference is of course a nod to Manchester and the sadness of so many people here right now, and the mental health issues surrounding our communities whether that be drugs, escaping war or whatever.

“It’s just a very bad few years especially with the people lost at the arena also.”

Do you like the artwork piece re-created on the Stockport wall? Keen to own a copy for yourself? Prints of the mural are being sold by Withington Walls, and signed copies are also available to buy the Shopify page here.

You can follow Mr Eggs and keep up to date with all his work on Instagram.

Featured Image – Facebook (Stop in Stockport)