You can have brunch with viral internet sensation ‘Chanel’s Ma’ in Manchester
She was the 'saviour of summer' and she's coming for brunch in Manchester in November.

If you think back to the viral internet videos and memes of these past few months, it’s hard to look beyond one particularly distressed woman screaming one particular name.
We are of course referring to when African Grey Chanel – a popular species of parrot in the UK and Europe – went missing in Liverpool after flying off back in April. The search for Chanel saw her owner post a hysterical video to social media calling for the parrot to come home, whilst pleading with the public in the local area to be on the look out for her.
She became a viral sensation in the process.
And now, you are invited to join the “saviour of the summer” herself – Sandra ‘Channel’s Ma’ – at the next Hun Brunch event taking place at Revolution Deansgate Locks in Manchester city centre in November.
It’s been branded as “the booking of the century”, so you won’t want to miss it.
Hun Brunch events are aptly described as being “the first ever brunch dedicated to Hun Culture”.
Unfamiliar with the phenomenon that is ‘hun culture’? Questioning whether it’s even a real thing? Well, believe it or not, it very much is.
Allow us to enlighten you a bit.
It’s hard to explain, but it’s said that hun culture is ultimately rooted in “banter based on class observations” and “a very British sensibility and lifestyle”.
Although the origins of the subculture is somewhat unconfirmed, the creator behind the enormously popular Instagram account Hunsnet – the organisers of the Hun Brunch – spoke to Vice about what hun culture means and stated that: “The whole hun culture thing allows people to completely take the piss out of themselves and everyone around them, and no one can say a single thing or get threatened by it”
The telling characteristic of the culture is of course that “you put the word hun on the end” of any statement.

Now, we’ve got that explained, fancy joining Sandra for a few drinkies in November then?
Tickets for the Hun Brunch at Revolution Deansgate Locks Manchester – which is a fully COVID-safe event taking place from 12:30pm on Sunday 8th November – start at £35.50 per person and you can make a booking via the DICE app, or the DICE website here.