Elbow confirm one-off gig at Night & Day to raise money for independent grassroots music venues
'Passport: Back To Our Roots' is a series of intimate gigs featuring the UK’s biggest artists - all of which are being scheduled for an unspecified date 2021 when real gigs can return.

Elbow will play at Night & Day Cafe for an exclusive one-off gig – and you could grab tickets to see them live.
The special show in Northern Quarter has been confirmed as part of a campaign to raise money for independent grassroots music venues – which have suffered deeply due to live performances being on pause.
‘Passport: Back To Our Roots’ is a series of intimate shows featuring the UK’s biggest artists – all of which are being scheduled for an unspecified date when real gigs can return.
The chance to win a place in the crowd for Elbow’s show at Night & Day (date TBD) is up for grabs right now.
All you need to do is visit the Crowdfunder page, make a donation of at least £5 and enter the prize drawer.
Night & Day stated: “We are thrilled and honoured to have Elbow returning to Night and Day. Elbow have been friends of the venue for many years.
“This should be a very special show and has the potential to be something quite amazing!
The venue continued: “This is your chance to watch the biggest artists play their smallest gigs – live and in person like they should be…
“The gigs will be happening as soon as real shows can happen safely – these are not socially distanced, compromised experiences.”

Learn more by visiting the Crowdfunder page here.
For information on the exciting series, head over to the official website.