‘Deathtrap’ party spot in Gorton closed down by council
'Hyde Road Cafe' in Gorton hosted DJ nights and late-night club events during the national lockdown.

A former bank building in Gorton described as a “deathtrap” has been shut down by the local council after the venue played host to illegal parties during the pandemic.
The venue, known as Hyde Road Cafe, hosted DJ nights and late-night club events during the national lockdown, with the main occupier of the property also claiming to have installed a bar, dancefloor and beauty salon.
Police officers apparently attended the premises “several times” at the beginning of 2021 and had been “met with abuse and violence.”
Manchester Magistrates have now issued a Closure Order for the property – citing the location had held events despite having no events licence, no licence to serve alcohol, and no certificates to serve food.
The building was also found to be in a state of disrepair with “exposed wires, uneven flooring and of a poor standard of cleanliness”.

Magistrates branded the premises a “very dangerous place” and a “deathtrap” before issuing the closure order, which will mean no one can enter the property – other than the property owner or named individuals – for three months.
Councillor Rabawaz Akbar, Manchester City Council’s executive member for Neighbourhoods, said: “It beggars belief that the people behind this operation thought they could get away with running an illegal and clearly unsafe venue, which was quickly becoming a blight to local people.
“Nightclubs and similar businesses operate within strict regulations to keep their customers safe – all of which was ignored here, and during a pandemic. I shudder to think what could’ve happened at this premises had these unregulated events been allowed to continue.
“Council officers have worked really closely with officers at Greater Manchester Police to close down this premises and I thank them for their excellent support and partnership throughout this operation.”
Featured image: Manchester City Council