Marcus Rashford responds after Matt Hancock calls him ‘Daniel Rashford’ on live TV
He's taken to Twitter to respond to a mishap involving his name by Matt Hancock on live TV this morning.

Marcus Rashford has taken to Twitter to respond to a mishap involving his name by Matt Hancock on live TV this morning.
Health Secretary Matt Hancock appeared live on Sky News earlier today to discuss a number of matters, one of which was crucially addressing the #maketheUturn campaign by Marcus Rashford, which was successfully delivered yesterday afternoon upon the UK government stating that “a COVID summer school fund” is in the process of being set up.
Whilst taking about the campaign, Mr Hancock mistakenly referred to the 22-year old footballer as ‘Daniel Rashford’ and it understandably got a lot of people talking on social media.
It prompted reaction from both fans and famous famous alike.
Now, the Manchester United forward has taken to Twitter to have his say on the matter and despite the obvious mishap by Hancock, appears to have taken it in his stride.
In response to a tweet by Gary Lineker, which read: “Good to see @MattHancock finally giving credit to footballers and Daniel Rashford in particular”, Rashford humorously replied claiming: “I’ve been called much worse over the last couple of days”.
His tweet reply has already seen him receive thousands of likes and retweets in just a few hours.
He then also appeared for an interview on ITV’s Good Morning Britain shortly after, where he gave a more detailed response to the name mishap and discussed his campaign with hosts Piers Morgan and Susanna Reid.
Even though it’s pretty mind-boggling to wonder just how Matt Hancock managed to get Rashford’s name wrong after his outstanding achievements and contributions this week, at least Marcus doesn’t seem like he’ll lose sleep over it, right?
Matt Hancock later spoke out on Twitter to say the mishap was simply due to it being “too early” and added that Rashford is a “credit to the nation”.
Nice one, lads.