
Six By Nico brings back fan-favourite affordable tasting menu inspired by a chippy tea

It’s back! Run!

Daisy Jackson Daisy Jackson - 30th May 2024

Six By Nico, the restaurant loved for its affordable tasting menus, is bringing back a firm fan favourite – The Chippie.

Inspired by the humble chippy tea, this six-course feast consists of re-imagined chip shop classics, from a deep-fried Mars bar to a steak pie.

And it’s properly accessible, with the full tasting menu costing only £42, with the option to enjoy an expertly selected drink pairing with a £33 supplement.

As Six By Nico changes its menus every six weeks at all of its restaurants (there are two in Manchester city centre alone), the chance to catch The Chippie again is not one you want to miss.

This particular menu first debuted in 2017 and always has people rushing back to the restaurant.


The Chippie begins with a creative take on chips and cheese (parmesan espuma, curry oil and emulsion and crisp potato terrine), followed by scampi (with brandade, dill emulsion, gribiche, peas and beurre blanc).

The Steak Pie course is made with 24-hour beef shin, burnt onion ketchup, mushroom duxelles and ‘meaty salsa’.


For course four, guests will enjoy Fish Supper, combining scrabster coley, pickled mussels, confit fennel, samphire and a beef emulsion.

This is followed by Smoked Sausage for course five, with a trio of pork, apple, crispy crackling, salt baked celeriac and choucroute.

And then comes the most novelty of all the courses, the deep fried Mars Bar, which is a little fancier than you’d find from a chippy and comes with chocolate pave and Irn Bru sorbet (Six By Nico has Scottish roots, if you hadn’t worked that out at this point).


There’s a vegetarian version of the tasting menu too, featuring root vegetable pie, cauliflower beignet, and halloumi with confit fennel, samphire, house sauce and beer scraps.

Each course has an optional themed wine pairing, featuring crisp whites, bold reds and sweet dessert wine, and you can add on an aperitif like the Sea Side Spritz (lemon, Early Grey, prosecco and samphire) or the Dirty Chippie Martini (… with added gherkin).

There are also snacks you can add on, like sourdough with shellfish butter (£5) or a black pudding scotch egg (£9).

The Chippie experience will be available until 26 June at Six by Nico Spring Gardens. Book your table here.

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Featured image: The Manc Group