
A Bolton tattoo studio has given someone a very rude tattoo of Boris Johnson

Daisy Jackson Daisy Jackson - 14th January 2022

A tattoo artist in Bolton has permanently etched a very rude portrait of Boris Johnson onto someone’s leg.

The portrait shows the Prime Minister looking stern, with a swear word boldly plastered across his forehead.

A swear word so strong we won’t repeat it here – but it has four letters, begins with a ‘c’, and rhymes with punt.

According to The Painted Man, the Churchgate studio where the masterpiece was created, the client requested ‘a permanent reminder of what the nation thinks’ of Boris.

The Boris Johnson tattoo. Credit: The Painted Man Studio

We think they’ve made their point pretty clear.


The tattoo was actually created before more stories emerged about illegal lockdown parties at Number 10 – including two on the evening before Prince Philip’s funeral.

Shannon Marie, 23, who has been working in the industry since June 2020, is the junior artist behind the portrait.

The Painted Man tattoo studio in Bolton. Credit: Facebook, The Painted Man Studio

Shannon said: “That particular client I’ve tattooed before and I knew he was quirky so it didn’t shock me at all.

“I was quite excited to do it as we don’t get requests like that often.

“I did enjoy doing it. I love tattooing and my client is lovely and I thought it was really funny.


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“My client said he let Facebook decide his tattoo, he was inspired by our Get What You Get machine we have in the studio.

“Honestly, everyone has reacted great to it, not one negative reaction yet! I’m sure it may come eventually though.”

What do you think? A fitting tribute to our PM or a step too far? Have your say in our Facebook comments.

Featured image: The Painted Man Studio