New study reveals Manchester is the kinkiest UK region of 2020 performed research to find out which sex toys are the most Googled in each of the different cities around the UK.
Most of us have spent a huge chunk of the past year indoors, with a lot of spare time on our hands.
The result? Sex toy sales have skyrocketed.
According to online marketplace, Brits have been rushing to purchase naughty items since lockdown – and the organisation decided they wanted to find out once and for all which city was the ‘kinkiest’.
They looked at 12 areas with populations of over 100,000, inputting seven different types of sex toys into Google key word planner; working out the average monthly searches per capita.
Some job that, eh?
The results showed that no other city could rival Manchester for adventures between the sheets.
The data ranked our dirty old town as Britain’s ‘sexiest city’ – ending up on top (ahem) in Google searches for three out of seven sex toys.
According to the stats, Cardiff have the lowest penchant for sex toys, finishing last in every category, except for the whip.
There were an eyebrow-raising number of searches for vibrators in Birmingham and handcuffs in Liverpool, but when overall, Manchester finished first (or should that be last?) on the sex table.
Well played, people.
Not like there’s been much else to do in 2020, to be fair.