The Manc launches first episode of brand new Greater Manchester-based podcast
The Manc Podcast will be presented by the charming trio of Joe McGrath, Tim Hoyle and Steph Stone - with a special guest sat alongside them each week.

We’ve always prided ourselves on being the people’s voice of Greater Manchester. For two years, The Manc has been both the region’s mouthpiece and info desk – providing a local media platform for Mancunians that covers the biggest stories in the region.
Now, we’re adding another string to our bow.
The Manc is delighted to confirm the launch of our new series – a very Manc podcast for the people of Greater Manchester.
Every week, the show will cover all things Manchester – dissecting and discussing the region’s news, food & drink, sport and music scenes… and we’ll have a laugh whilst we do it.

The Manc Podcast will be presented by the terrific trio of Joe McGrath, Tim Hoyle and Steph Stone – with a special guest sat alongside them each week.
Joe is a radio host renowned for his work at local station XS Manchester – having spent his media career interviewing many of the region’s key figures.
Tim is Head of Video at The Manc – the man behind the camera at many of our big shoots and co-host of our Takeaway Champions series; whilst Steph is our social creative – a famous local face having amassed more than one million views on her comedy channels.
The show’s format will be fluid for the first few weeks as the guys find their rhythm – but what we will promise is an authentically Manc show every single time we’re on air.
Our pilot episode – featuring the star of our smash-hit Scran Review series and food blogger Fat Sam Eats – is live right now. So, dive in and have a ganders.
Thanks for listening, Manchester!
We’ve got a lot more where that came from.
Stay tuned for massive guests in the coming weeks.
Be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to stay up to date with all the latest episodes.
You can also subscribe to our channel on YouTube so you never miss an upload.