
Cult favourite indie Factory Bake announces closure of extension site

Despite selling out virtually every day, they've had to leave the current site.

Danny Jones Danny Jones - 3rd July 2024

Cult favourite indie Factory Bake has announced they are shutting their extension site in the city centre, stating that the closure was simply out of their control.

Sat just a stone’s throw away from their main coffee kiosk and serving window attached to clothing and tailor shop, Dooley and Rostron, Factory Bake was up there with one of the most popular places to pick up a sweet treat or a pastry in central Manchester.

Located on King Street West, just across the road from Spinningfields and the likes of Crazy Pedro’s, the bakery window would regularly entice Mancs walking past to nip in for one of their baked goods and, as owner Kendra Groves puts it, would sell out almost every day.

Groves, who you may also know as ‘Wild Child Cakes‘, posted a lengthy statement explaining the decision on their socials while assuring that although this site might be closing, the brand itself remains and will be bouncing back.

Speaking on behalf of the wider Factory team, Aussie-born baker Groves wrote: “With a heavy heart we announce the closing of our extension site Factory Bake.


“A lot of roadblocks have led us to this decision, none of them being due to the utter popularity, customers and the fact we’ve been blessed enough to sell out almost every day! No, the reasons, unfortunately [have] been completely and utterly out of our control.”

But before you mourn too hard, you can breathe a sigh of relief in the knowledge that Kendra and co. full intend to reopen elsewhere, going on to state that “our hope and dream is to open up a location that can be more permanent for us” and will be setting up a Kickstarter campaign to help them do so.


The aim is for the crowdfunder to help “raise the necessary funds”, adding, “It would mean the world to us if you are able to help us on this scary yet exciting endeavour… your amazing love and support, it means more than you’ll ever know.”

Details surrounding how and where to support the campaign are yet to be revealed but this deliciousness is simply too good not to back.

Read more:

Most importantly of all, you’ll still be able to get your hands on plenty of Factory Bake goodness in the interim as they assured: “Fear not we are baking off-site and all the yummy baked treats you love so much will be available at Factory Coffee.”


There really is a lot of love for this independent and passionately run local business and we’re so glad to hear that this closure of their extension site is more of a see you later than a goodbye, as the demand isn’t going anywhere.

In fact, it was only earlier this year that they went somewhat viral after a reviewer gave them one star for essentially being too busy – a comment that they were quick to toast.

We’re so glad that the closure of Factory Bake isn’t permanent – even if simply to wind this person up.

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Featured Images — The Manc Eats