The land of the ‘pie-eaters’: Why is Wigan obsessed with pies?
The first seven days of March is British Pie Week; a period where this glorious pastry-and-filling is given its deserved recognition right around the country. But there’s one town in Greater Manchester where every week is Pie Week: Wigan.
The beginning of March marks British Pie Week; a time of year where the glorious pastry-and-filling dish enjoys renewed recognition right around the country. But there’s one town in Greater Manchester where every week is Pie Week. Wigan is known as the land of the ‘pie-eaters’ – although there’s more history behind that nickname than you might think...
In Wigan, they treat pies a little differently / Image: David Blake via Twitter
On a balmy summer evening back in 2002, I was caught up in a current of Wigan rugby supporters, all gently floating in a sea of Cherry and White t-shirtstowards the JJB Stadium turnstiles.
St Helens were in town for rugby league’s flagship fixture, and the game was a near-sellout.
Wigan vs Saints invariably pulls in a massive crowd; with the two teams old enemies since time immemorial. The clubs are separated by just 9 miles and a grassy hill called the ‘Billinge Lump’; representing rival regions since the county borders were moved in 1974 (it’s now Greater Manchester v Merseyside, rather than a Lancashire derby).
The game was one of my first visits to the rugby as a young ‘un, and whilst my memories of the match itself are fuzzy, what has stuck with me ever since is the sight of Saints fans suddenly breaking out into a strange song.
I didn’t quite understand the lyrics, so I tugged on my grandad’s coat sleeve and asked him: “Why do they keep shouting ‘pie-eaters!’ at Wigan?”
The St Helenian answer to that question – and one that’s often told in nearby towns – goes something like this…
In 1926, more than one million coal miners were at loggerheads with pit owners over wages and working conditions. So, in a show of solidarity, many British workers went on strike. The protests lasted for several days, but Wigan workers were apparently among the first to return to their shifts – and in doing so were said to be ‘eating humble pie’.
They’ve been teased about it ever since. But according to Wiganers, that’s a little unfair.
Some point out that whilst Wigan workers were the first to stop striking, they were also the first to start. Others claim that townsfolk had the pie moniker long before the unrest of 1926.
But perhaps the true origins of the nickname don’t matter. Because labelling Wiganers as ‘pie-eaters’ works on an elemental level, anyway.
Idioms aside, Wigan is a place that is inescapably besotted with pies.
The town’s penchant for pastry is everywhere. I noticed it from the moment I first set foot in Wigan’s sport stadium as a kid – from the pie posters slapped across the walls of the concourse to the pastry offer announcements crackling across the PA system. An advert for ‘POOLE’S PIES!’ (a company which produced pies in Wigan for 171 years) even danced its way across the scoreboard during the game.
Poole’s has sadly folded since then. But there’s still a minimum of 20 listed pie shops operating in the Wigan region today (with dozens of local cafes and food stores serving up pies as part of their wider menus).
Since 1992, Wigan has also been the prideful host of the World Pie-Eating Championships – where contestants aim to wolf down as many of these crumbly concoctions as quickly as possible (historically held at Harry’s Bar on Wallgate).
See, in Wigan, it’s socially acceptable to tackle any type of pie, at any time of day, in almost any way.
Residents even put pies between two slices of bread for a snack; which is known as a ‘Wigan Slappy’ or ‘Wigan Kebab’ (a local delicacy with the latter name features three pies impaled on a stick).
Wow!! Got to say Baldy's Pies are smashing it out of the park right now, reinventing the Wigan kebab 😡😡 I mean PIE BARM. Can't wait to get my hands on them!!
It’s true that many Wiganers are happy to embrace their passion for pies with good humour, but some evidence suggests that pies here are no laughing matter.
Wigan journalist David Barnett – who has written multiple pieces on the topic – concludes that pies are in fact a “way of life” for denizens. During his time working at the Wigan Evening Post, a fire ripped through the town’s pie factory, and Barnett was sent to cover the story. Despite the disaster, shutting down pie production was seemingly out of the question. Instead, the company drafted in “emergency pie-makers” to work through the night and get pie deliveries out on time. The article made the front page.
Wigan’s appetite for pies has been rumbling for decades – and remains insatiable to this day.
One of the most recent examples of this fixation can be found in 2019 – when Wigan Athletic needed a new mascot for their football team. Club officials turned to local school children for inspiration – and over half of entries featured a pie in the design.
Wigan’s love affair with pies is well-entrenched and utterly unapologetic.
When one study dared to rank nine regions above Wigan on a list of the UK’s top pie-loving places, World Pie-Eating Championships organiser Tony Callaghan was aghast.
“I’m stunned. This can’t be right,” he told Wigan Today.
“The table is very misleading. Everyone knows that Wigan is the capital of the pie world and home to the World Pie-Eating Championships. It goes down in history as such.
“Even now the pie shops are open and they’ve been trading throughout the pandemic. Wiganers can’t get enough of them.”
Wigan has revelled in many other achievements outside the oven, of course.
It’s home to one of the most successful rugby league teams of all time in Wigan Warriors. It also has a plucky little football club that has repeatedly defied the odds to make sporting headlines (including a famous FA Cup triumph over Man City in 2013). The town’s name features in the title of classic Orwellian work The Road to Wigan Pier. And Wigan is also the birthplace of legendary singer-songwriter George Formby.
But every time British Pie Week rolls around, all eyes are always on the Greater Manchester town for its inextricable link with the golden brown grub.
Wiganers, meanwhile, will be scoffing down pie barms as if it were any ordinary time of year.
That’s what they do there. It’s a town with pie-sonality…
Did you know the world’s biggest pancake was made in Greater Manchester?
Harry Quick
Greater Manchester holds a lot of records, but did you know that we’re the proud title holder of the world’s biggest pancake?
Yep, cast your mind back to Rochdale in 1994 and you may remember a Guinness World Record-breaking attempt to create the biggest pancake ever seen.
Tens of thousands of Mancs poured out to watch the enormous breakfast item being flipped.
The event took place several months outside of Shrove Tuesday, aka Pancake Day, in August, to celebrate the 150th anniversary of The Co-operative Union Ltd.
And it’s a record Greater Manchester still holds today.
It took a tanker full of pancake mixture made using Co-op products, and a 50ft pan to create the massive pancake in Rochdale.
Actual cranes had to be brought in to do the flipping throughout the day, to ensure both sides cooked evenly.
At the end, it measured 15 metres in diameter and weighed three tonnes, measuring an inch thick.
After a few complicated flips, the finished product was dusted off with lemon and sugar, which seems like the safer option than an industrial vat of Nutella.
The world's biggest #pancake was created here in #Rochdale in 1994. Measuring 15.1 metres diameter and 2.5cm thick, it weighed 3 tonnes! #PancakeTuesday The feat was organised by The Co-operative Union Ltd. Flippin fantastic! @GWR 👏😋
Guinness World Record experts were in town to confirm that it was in fact the world’s largest pancake and not just a massive waste of flour eggs and milk.
And actually, none of it was wasted – the giant Rochdale pancake was cut up and divided into 15,000 individual portions, sold at 24p a pop.
Apparently, and unsurprisingly, the 50ft crepe tasted crap.
According to the Co-operative Heritage Trust, 40,000 people attended to witness the great pancake flip.
Were you there? Did you eat it? Share your memories with us on Facebook here.
Five Manchester artists we’ve been listening to this month | February 2025
Danny Jones
Well, how now music fans!? We’re back again for February with five more Greater Manchester-based artists, be they new, old or already high-flying, that we’ve been listening to over the past 28 days in this case.
And believe us, this month’s a corker.
If you’re new to the series this year, it’s pretty self-explanatory: every month we round up five up-and-coming or just downright entertaining artists from around the region to spotlight and remind ourselves why our hometown is the absolute best place for music in Britain – nay, the planet.
Hyperbole? Maybe. Do we care? Nah, so let’s waste any more time and introduce to to some Manchester artists that might be new to you.
Greater Manchester artists of the month
1. Bou
First up on our list new Manchester music you need to be listening to is, rather fittingly, Bou. We didn’t plan for that to rhyme, but what we can tell you is that the 25-year-old producer and DJ is making some serious waves.
Having just announced a tour of the USA and Canada this spring into summer, the Algerian-British beatmaker’s name could soon go stratospheric as our friends across the pond continue to immerse themselves in more UK dance and electronic music, as well as grime and DnB.
Bou made a big name for himself in 2023 after hopping on ‘Baddadan’ with the legendary Chase and Status; he’s just dropped a big new track with Aitch too but he’s actually been grinding since 2015. He’s only getting better but we’d say start with ‘Raving In The Studio’, ‘Wicked & Dark’ and ‘Streetside’.
From the EDM side of things to indie excellence from over Wigan way and one of the most promising bands to have come out of Greater Manchester—sorry, Lancashire* (they were insistent on that) and that is, of course, The Lathums.
We’ve made no secret of our love for these lads over the last few years in which they’ve seen a meteoric rise and now their third studio album, Matter Does Not Define, has officially dropped, we were more than willing to dive back in. Interview dropping on socials soon, by the way, so keep your eyes peeled…
You’ll get more of those charming folk vibes with plenty of swaggering guitars, trotting drums and more of their trademark “dark Western” approach intros and riffs, but the decibels, rock feel and vocals have been dialled up a notch. ‘Leave No Stone Unturned’, ‘No Direction’ and ‘Long Shadows’. You’re welcome.
We are absolutely buzzing to announce we’re back at @TruckFestival this year🔥
We cannot wait for this, gonna be one to remember 🫡 (vid is from last year😮💨)
Now this one is for all the moshers, throwback rock and pop punk fans, as well as anyone who loves it when British rock bands aim to recreate that unmistakably American sound – only this stuff is contemporary.
Maybe it’s the nostalgia talking, but we’re pretty confident if you regularly tuned into the likes of Kerrang TV, NME and Scuzz back in their heyday, not only would you instantly fall in love with them but they’d already be massive now.
We saw these local lads live and Night and Day recently and not only were they brilliant but their unapologetic frontman was great value. They’ve just released their debut EP Northern Blood, on which you can see the Manchester skyline and hear ‘Can’t Get Over It’, ‘Principles’ and ‘Remember His Name’.
As far as new Manchester music goes, we’re glad the city is pumping out stuff like this.
4. Oceans on Mars
Next up is another band we saw that very same random weeknight on a whim and also managed to get us very excited. Opening up for All Now were fellow Manc rockers Oceans on Mars, who provided everything from Pearl Jam and Alice in Chains to Nirvana, hints of Soundgarden, Deftones and more.
It felt rather fitting that we got all these vibes before the headliners finished with a cover of ‘Be Quiet And Drive (Far Away)’, but it’s also rare that you get a night full of growly-guitar, gravelly-throated grunge like this in 2025. Not that we were complaining. It was ace.
The intro to ‘Mousetrap’ makes us instantly think of ‘All Apologies’ only instead of Kurt Cobain you get Haydyn Biddle’s voice and it certainly sticks with you. ‘Let Me Know’ is another catchy track and third place goes to ‘Mirror’, which kicked off the post-2020 era with their new frontman. Give them a go.
Last but not least is a reminder that not every new discovery necessarily has to be new; in this case, it can just be a rediscovery of an experimental genre-bending collection of musicians that were way ahead of many other Manchester artists of the time.
If you’ve never taken a deep dive into the world of Durutti Column, we will warn you that it can turn into a bit of a rabbit hole. In fact, beyond the most well-known tracks like ‘Otis’, ‘Jaqueline’ and so on, we’re not going to even recommend tracks this time: just immerse yourself in the incredible soundscapes that Vini Reilly and co. built over several decades.
Be it making a sandpaper LP sleeve that damaged other records stored around it (so nonchalantly punk), or their sheer amount of variety in the discography, we firmly believe they’re among the most overlooked artists in Manchester music history. They even featured in the soundtrack of the most recent series of The Bear, which gave us an immense amount of joy, especially with just how well they used it.
Oop! Would you look at that? Once again, we’re out of time already. Sad face.
We hope you enjoyed digging into more Manchester music, both new and old, that you might not have heard before. Do go away and do your extra research on them too, that’s part of the fun.
In the meantime, you can find out our first picks of the year in our list of new Manchester bands and artists we were in January, but for now, we’ll catch you next time.
Oh, and don’t forget to keep it locked to Audio North for more round-ups, music news, gig guides and interviews like this one: