
Shortlist of names for new Stetford square announced after public sends in over 400 suggestions

So, do we have a Boaty McBoatface 2.0 on our hands then? ...

Emily Sergeant Emily Sergeant - 3rd June 2024

The shortlist of potential names for a new community square in Stretford have been announced following a public naming competition.

After Trafford Council last month invited the local community to suggest names for the brand-new public space that’s set to open in the heart of Stretford next year, hundreds of entries came flooding in – more than 400 of them, in fact.

We know by now that the British public loves a naming competition, so maybe this wasn’t a big shock… but, do we have another ‘Boaty McBoatface’ on our hands then?

Well, not quite – but there are some pretty good options.

As far as public naming competitions go, the comical suggestion for the name of a new RMS ship back in 2016 – which was then given to a fleet of autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) instead – will probably always lead the way as the most well-known entrant, but when Greater Manchester was given its shot to get creative, residents still came through with the quality suggestions.


The suggestions have been whittled-down to a shortlist of three names, and the people of Stretford are now officially able to cast their vote for their favourite.

The final three finalists are:

  • Hibberd Square – Named after Joan Hibberd, a beloved resident of Stretford since 1922 who is celebrated in the town for her active commitment to civic engagement, which has made a lasting impact on the Stretford community. 
  • Lloyd Square – Inspired by Sir Anthony Joseph Lloyd, a dedicated public servant who represented Stretford as a Member of Parliament for many years, and is known for his commitment to social justice and community welfare, as well as tirelessly advocating for the residents of Stretford and significantly contributing to the area’s development and wellbeing. 
  • Enriqueta Square – Dedicated to distinguished philanthropist and bibliophile, Enriqueta Rylands, who resided in Stretford and founded the famous John Rylands Library in Manchester city centre.

A polling station has been placed at the centre of Stretford Mall, and the community is encouraged to head on down there and vote using the tokens provided, or alternatively, people can cast their votes on Stretford town centre’s social media poll.

The new public square will connect the newly restored King Street and Pinnington Lane.

Trafford Council says it will play “a key part in the transformation of the area”, and will also provide a “focal point” with lots of greenery, seating areas, and spaces to “meet, rest and play” and host events too.


“The response we’ve had to this initiative demonstrates the strong sense of community that exists in Stretford, and how committed local people are to this regeneration project,” commented Cllr Liz Patel, who is the Cabinet Member for Economy and Regeneration at Trafford Council, as the naming shortlist was announced.

“The three finalists demonstrate the importance of history, but also of individuals within a community in Stretford, and all three are worthy winners.”

Read more:

Voting will officially close on Sunday 16 June. 

The unveiling ceremony of the new name for the public square will take place in the centre of Stretford Mall at The StretFest on Saturday 6 July

Featured Image – STC / Bruntwood