A woman who looks so much like Kate Moss she tricked half of Manchester into believing the supermodel was shopping in the Ancoats Aldi has gone on to actual fashion stardom.
The stunner has just this week made a surprise appearance on the runway at Paris Fashion Week, walking for French designer Marine Serre.
And it’s not the first time she’s hit headlines – although the first time, it was a case of mistaken identity.
Denise Ohnona, from Ormskirk, who is a complete doppelganger for supermodel Kate Moss, was booked by Aldi for a very clever publicity stunt when Manchester was in the grips of Chanel fever.
Wearing dark sunglasses, a long leather coat and heeled boots, she managed to trick the public and several press outlets (not us though, we hasten to add) into believing fashion royalty was having a brew outside a Northern Quarter coffee shop.
Which was obviously not the case.
Denise said people have often told her she looks like Kate Moss but didn’t think much of it until she was approached by a lookalike agency.
She said: “It’s one thing to be hired as a ‘Lookalike’ to attend a store opening or red carpet event, where everyone knows it’s not actually the celebrity, it’s just for a bit of fun, but it’s another thing when a company like Aldi comes to you with a PR stunt, where they want to fool not only the public, but the press.
“These sort of jobs always come with slight anxiety, because you think to yourself, will people know who I’m supposed to be? Will people really believe it’s Kate Moss?
“Well thankfully they did and Aldi caused quite the controversy, with all the major papers running the story.
“I guess I should thank my Mum and Dad for these cheek bones. And although I’m a stay at home mum, who’s life is anything but glamorous, it’s always nice to put on some heels and shades for a day and put a smile on people’s faces”
And now Denise has struck fame once again after her appearance at Paris Fashion Week.
The 43-year-old appeared on This Morning yesterday to discuss her whirlwind journey.
She said that she’s naturally a shy person and when her agent initially asked her about a job in Paris she said no.
But after being persuaded by a friend, she was suddenly on the catwalk at the world’s most famous fashion event.
Denise said: “I didn’t release how big it was. The models and the whole production and everything. I was like a little girl who got to play dress up for the day and be one of the catwalk models. So it was fun but scary.
“I’m so glad I did it. ‘If it scares you do it anyway,’ that’s what I tell my kids. “
Peter Kay’s rare public statement after ‘humiliated’ woman kicked out of his gig
Daisy Jackson
A woman who was kicked out of Peter Kay’s show last weekend has spoken out, after the beloved comedian shared a rare public statement about the incident.
Myar Curran, 25, was the second person to be removed from the Bolton comic’s show at the AO Arena after repeated interruptions and heckling.
The first heckler had reportedly been shouting ‘garlic bread’ at the stage, and after he was evicted, Myar shouted ‘We love you Peter’ and was also removed from the venue.
Peter Kay, who normally remains fairly silent on social media, unusually issued a full statement on the incident, saying the hecklers were disruptive ‘from the very start’.
He added: “As a comedian, you never want to eject anyone, but when repeated disruptions make it impossible to continue, it’s important to consider the experience of the rest of the audience, who’ve paid to see a show without interruption.”
Addressing the ribbing he gave Myar during the gig, where he compared her to Lisa Riley, Peter Kay’s statement said: “The lady who was escorted out did bear a striking resemblance to Lisa Riley, though I don’t see how that’s an insult.”
Today, Myar has appeared on Good Morning Britain to say she feels ‘a bit humiliated’ and didn’t mean to ’cause any harm’.
She said: “I feel like what I said was not abusive, wasn’t aggressive, it wasn’t anti-social, I wasn’t drunk.
“I was just standing up chanting ‘we love you Peter, we do’ and I feel like it’s just been taken a bit overboard and a bit over the top, his reaction.”
Peter Kay’s statement reads: “At the show on Saturday night, February 8th, in Manchester, I had two hecklers disrupting from the very start. I did my best to address the situation and made light of it, as any comedian would, but unfortunately, their interruptions continued.
“I then tried to ignore them, hoping they’d settle down, but when the disruption persisted into the second half of the show, I asked the audience around them if they were being bothered by the noise. They all shouted “yes,” and when I asked for a show of hands, at least forty people raised theirs.
“At that point, I had no choice but to take action.
“The lady who was escorted out did bear a striking resemblance to Lisa Riley, though I don’t see how that’s an insult.
“This was only the second and third time I’ve had to ask someone to leave during my 114 shows over the past three years of this tour.
“As a comedian, you never want to eject anyone, but when repeated disruptions make it impossible to continue, it’s important to consider the experience of the rest of the audience, who’ve paid to see a show without interruption.”
Henry Cavill’s audition tape for James Bond has been leaked online – and people have thoughts…
Danny Jones
In case you haven’t already seen it, the man who has been linked with being the next James Bond for what feels like the past decade, Henry Cavill, has seen his audition tape for the role leaked online.
Well, it’s an old tape from when he was first put up for the role but still, we always love watching these.
The Superman, The Man From U.N.C.L.E. and former Witcher star has been in contention to replace Daniel Craig as Bond for almost as long as Idris Elba has/was, and while the latter may have drifted from the conversation somewhat in the past few years, Cavill’s only seems to have grown.
Now a fully-fledged Hollywood star, his career’s come a long way since the days of his long-haired audition for 007 nearly two whole decades ago…
He was given three different variations of scenes to perform. Director Martin Campbell can be heard saying his audition was “tremendous”.
Yes, what you see above is a video by YouTuber Ron South revealing Henry Cavill’s audition for Casino Royale: a remake of the 1967 original film released back in 2006 which effectively rebooted Bond for the modern, more serious era.
Uploaded from an original VHS audition tape filmed just a decade into Barbara Broccoli and co’s tenure in charge of the franchise, having taken over from her father in 1995 (we have no idea how he got his hands on, so don’t ask), you get to see a good seven minutes of Henry Cavill as James Bond.
The first thing to note is that besides the flowing mane of dark hair, the soon-to-be leading man was much younger during this recording; he was just 22 when the tape was made and considered too young for the part at the time.
Ironically, many believe Cavill might be at the very least verging on too old, even though all three of Pierce Brosnan (42), Roger Moore (45) and Timothy Dalton (41 – the same age) were older than him when they first took up the tuxedo and very specific taste for martinis.
Regardless of whether he is the ‘right age’ now or not, the clips being leaked online have divided opinion, to say the least, with many suggesting that while he may not have been ready for the role then, he and his acting chops have matured significantly in the 20 years that have passed.
Henry is barely suited to ACTING if we’re keeping it real
It’s also worth stating that opinions are just that and some are definitely less popular than others; for instance, many in the comments underneath social media posts said Daniel Craig – the man who famously did get the job back in 2006 – was “overrated” and “only had one good film.”
Come on, Craig wasn’t even our first Bond and you’ve got to admit even if he isn’t your favourite, he was excellent and gave the series a refreshing, grittier spin.
But wait, we haven’t even got to the best part yet: Ron South has also uploaded four other actors’ James Bond audition tapes besides Henry Cavill which you can find HERE – all of which give off a very different vibe. The question is, were any of them right for the iconic character, or are they perhaps now?
What did you make of this glimpse at Henry Cavill as James Bond in his old audition tape and you think he’s still the ‘favourite’ in your eyes for the world’s most famous spy?