
Did you know the world’s biggest pancake was made in Greater Manchester?

It weighed three tonnes.

Harry Quick Harry Quick - 3rd March 2025

Greater Manchester holds a lot of records, but did you know that we’re the proud title holder of the world’s biggest pancake?

Yep, cast your mind back to Rochdale in 1994 and you may remember a Guinness World Record-breaking attempt to create the biggest pancake ever seen.

Tens of thousands of Mancs poured out to watch the enormous breakfast item being flipped.

The event took place several months outside of Shrove Tuesday, aka Pancake Day, in August, to celebrate the 150th anniversary of The Co-operative Union Ltd.

And it’s a record Greater Manchester still holds today.


It took a tanker full of pancake mixture made using Co-op products, and a 50ft pan to create the massive pancake in Rochdale.

Actual cranes had to be brought in to do the flipping throughout the day, to ensure both sides cooked evenly.


At the end, it measured 15 metres in diameter and weighed three tonnes, measuring an inch thick.

After a few complicated flips, the finished product was dusted off with lemon and sugar, which seems like the safer option than an industrial vat of Nutella.

Guinness World Record experts were in town to confirm that it was in fact the world’s largest pancake and not just a massive waste of flour eggs and milk.


And actually, none of it was wasted – the giant Rochdale pancake was cut up and divided into 15,000 individual portions, sold at 24p a pop.

Apparently, and unsurprisingly, the 50ft crepe tasted crap.

According to the Co-operative Heritage Trust, 40,000 people attended to witness the great pancake flip.

Were you there? Did you eat it? Share your memories with us on Facebook here.

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Featured image: The Manc Group