
16 million people could be ‘forced’ to turn their heating off when energy bills increase this autumn

"The Government has inherited a huge challenge, but there must be no delay in their action."

Emily Sergeant Emily Sergeant - 22nd August 2024

One in four people could be forced into turning their heating and hot water off when energy bills increase this autumn.

Ahead of the announcement of the new energy price cap from this October, with prices predicted to rise once again, some new research from Citizens Advice has now revealed that 25% of UK residents – which is the equivalent of 16.5 million people – are so worried about the increases in energy costs that they think they’ll be forced to turn off their heating and hot water to save money.

This shocking figure then increases to 31% of households with children, and 39% of bill payers on a low income, according to the research.

The research also found that 48% (35.1 million people) said they would have to turn down their heating or hot water, and in addition to this, 34% (22.8 million people) of respondents said they would have difficulty affording food or other essentials – such as their mortgage, rent, or childcare.

Devastatingly, 7% (4.5 million people) said they would even be forced to skip meals.

More than 16 million people could be ‘forced’ to turn their heating off when energy bills increase this autumn / Credit: Pxhere

Because of these shocking new statistics, Citizens Advice is warning that without urgent intervention from the Government, households will continue to face “impossible choices” and “drastic cutbacks” to be able to afford to heat their homes.

The advice service concedes that the Government has inherited “a challenging situation” with the fact that bills are increasing to “historic levels”, but that the new Prime Minister must step in and “act fast” to stop millions of households falling further into hardship this winter, especially those in desperate need who can’t afford to wait until the plans to shift focus on renewables comes into fruition in the long term.


“We’re already helping record numbers of people with energy debt, but we’re now bracing ourselves for an even more challenging winter,” commented Citizens Advice’s Chief Executive, Dame Clare Moriarty, ahead of the expected energy price cap rise.

“The price cap increase will see a wave of households tipped into debt, bill payers forced to make impossible decisions to make ends meet, and families worried about the impact the cold will have on their loved ones. 

“Energy prices might be down from the peak of the crisis, but with many already in the red and the removal of previous support packages, there’s still no light at the end of the tunnel for those in desperate need.


“The Government has inherited a huge challenge, but there must be no delay in their action.

Read more:

“We need to see targeted bill support that reflects the realities of people’s energy needs.”

Featured Image – Pixabay