
Ambitious plans unveiled to create a new river path connecting Salford Quays with the city centre

Plans will be going out to public consultation later this month.

Emily Sergeant Emily Sergeant - 5th September 2024

Ambitious plans to connect Salford Quays with the city centre via a new ‘active travel route’ along the River Irwell have been unveiled.

And the Greater Manchester public is now being asked for their thoughts on it.

Salford City Council has been working in partnership with Manchester City Council and Trafford Council on the original ‘Irwell River Park’ scheme since 2008, and since then work on the project has taken place over the years, usually as and when opportunities have arisen.

Some of these works include the improvement of access to green space at Crescent Meadows, a riverside path alongside the Urban Splash development at Springfield Lane, and the refurbishment of Peel Park and the transformation of Riverside at Chapel Wharf – the latter two made possible thanks to securing Heritage Lottery funding.

Another exciting project was the completion of a new riverside space and a pedestrian/cycling footbridge connecting with Aviva Studios, which was finished last year.


Through the ‘Irwell River Park’ scheme, Salford residents have been able to take advantage of an “improved network of accessible paths close to the river” over the last few years, but now, it’s time for a new chapter.

Salford City Council says its ambition has remained to “further deliver projects alongside the river” following completion of the initial works, which is why plans to create a new active travel route between Salford Quays and the city centre have been unveiled this week, ahead of them going to out to public consultation these next two months.


This consultation will focus on a so-called new strategy that has recently been drafted for Irwell River Park, as well as plans to improve access to the river.

The plans have been unveiled ahead of a public consultation later this month / Credit: Salford City Council

Taking place for six weeks, the consultation will both invite feedback from the public via an online survey from Monday 23 September, as well as three in-person drop in sessions in Salford on 8, 10 and 26 October.

“This refreshed strategy for Irwell River Park is so important,” commented Councillor Mike McCusker from Salford City Council.


“It will focus on making the River Irwell attractive, safe, and easily-accessible from surrounding neighbourhoods and by public transport, and also by connecting local neighbourhoods with the rich history, culture, public spaces and parks that surround the river.”

Read more:

Find more information about the ‘Irwell River Park’ scheme, plans, and consultations on the Salford City Council website here.

Featured Image – Salford City Council