Government confirm rules for Greater Manchester residents planning to go on holiday or move home
Increasing numbers of residents have now been querying whether travelling outside of the area is permitted - be it for a holiday or moving home.

The new measures imposed on Greater Manchester residents last week have raised a lot of questions.
An increasing rate of local COVID-19 cases has seen restrictions introduced across the 10 boroughs of Greater Manchester – with a ban placed indoor visits and meeting others outside of your household.
Congregating with other people from one other house is permitted only in parks, in groups of up to six.
The Government confirmed that people are still be able to go to work as normal, whilst visits to pubs, restaurants and cafes are also allowed – but only with members of your own household/bubble.
Increasing numbers of residents have now been querying whether travelling outside of the area is permitted – be it for a holiday or moving home.
Here’s what you need to know.

Can I leave Greater Manchester to go on holiday?
Yes – Manchester residents are allowed to go on holiday as planned; provided they do so with members of their own household only.
There is no limit on how far you travel.
The official advice from the Government is: “You can still go on holiday, but you should only do this with people you live with (or have formed a support bubble with).”
You cannot leave the region to meet people in private gardens or pubs.
People from outside of Greater Manchester are still allowed to enter the area, too – provided they ‘avoid socialising with others’.
I’m supposed to be moving house. Can I still do so?
There is currently no ban on moving home in England.
If you are in the process of moving from one property to another, you can still continue to do so.
Estate and lettings agents have new procedures in place to support people who are changing properties – including the addition of video viewings.
You should not visit any property where current tenants are self-isolating, nor should anyone visit your home if you or another member of your household is experiencing symptoms.
The Government have issued further guidance about moving home during coronavirus online.