The person behind the bizarre and hilarious ‘Angry Beetham’ Twitter account has announced that the page will be retired, after they suffered a stroke that has left them with ‘permanent damage’.
For 10 years, the witty parody account has been shouting and screaming across the Twittersphere, claiming to be the voice of Manchester’s landmark Beetham Tower.
The huge skyscraper, which famously hums when the wind picks up, has recently shared insights such as ‘MATT HANCOCK, BEETHAM SEND YOU MILLION BOULDERS VIA WHATSAPP. GRAAAAAAAAGH’ and ‘STAY HOME THIS WEEK. ANGRY TOWER ON LOOSE.’.
But today marks the end of the much-loved social media account, after its mystery admin revealed themselves and gave a health update.
On Twitter, the comedian, writer and artist known as Fat Roland said: “Hello. My name is @FatRoland and I have been running the Angry Beetham account since, well, forever. It is sadly time to retire the account. All is explained in the link.
“SERIOUS? Yes, serious, Beethy.
“It has been so much fun running this account over the years. Such great followers and, hidden from you, sooo many laughs from me. You are all an absolute joy.
“Weird thing is, I don’t have an angry bone in my body. It can be such an impotent emotion, and when mapped onto such an incongruous, singular building, makes for a fun Twitter account.
Hello. My name is @FatRoland and I have been running the Angry Beetham account since, well, forever. It is sadly time to retire the account. All is explained in the link.
“Anyway. So long and thanks for all the laser smashes and boulder bashes. GRRRRRR.”
Fat Roland has shared a lengthy blog post in which he detailed that he has suffered a stroke that has made reading very difficult, forcing the Angry Beetham account into extinction.
He said that he had been at a gig in Manchester (Plaid, at Gorilla), when he noticed several disorientating symptoms and felt like his ‘head was exploding’.
Three days later, and Fat Roland was diagnosed as having had a stroke, which has left him suffering hallucinations.
He wrote on his blog: “The stroke has destroyed half of my eyesight. In true surrealist Fat Roland style, the missing halves are the right section of each eye. Because eyes dart about and the brain is clever, I don’t have black spots. I can see everything. But if my brain hasn’t received full information about a section of what I’m looking at, it makes things up. This causes hallucinations.
A sample of the Angry Beetham Twitter account. Credit: Twitter, @angrybeetham
“I have looked into the twilight sky and seen a hospital floating mid-air, in full detail. I have seen imaginary crows flapping around the edges of my vision. I have seen a cheerful dog on a lead being walked by a bush because my brain couldn’t register the difference between a dog owner and shrubbery. A quick dart of the eyes, and my visual register filled in the correct information. I think my brain is having far too much fun with this.”
He then went on to explain that he’d ‘lost the ability to laterally scan text’, which has made running Angry Beetham too much of a challenge.
Fat Roland wrote: “The damage is permanent. The fried part of my brain will never be unfried. But I’m confident about recovery as I begin what feels like Life Part Two.
“I will be slowly integrating back into my role at the brilliant Burgess Foundation. My work with Electronic Sound will continue, although for now will be restrained to a slightly shorter column. I’m sure I will cartoon again, although I may need to learn new techniques. I will likely have to give up running my F1 Losers League because there’s too much detailed spreadsheet and website work.
“And because casual social media browsing is no longer viable, I am retiring the @AngryBeetham Twitter account which I have been secretly running for ten years.”
Dozens of messages of support have been flooding in today, including one person who wrote: “So long and thanks for the lasers. Wishing you best for the future.”
Another person said: “Farewell Manchester’s greatest Twitter account, I’ll never not see the tower as AB now. Who can forget his ill-fated Valentine date with a tent? Or the time he threatened to roll GMex on its back like a beetle? All the best for your recovery @FatRoland and thanks for the laughs.”
And the reverse parody account of Happy Beetham shared: “Thank you for always being my better half AB.”
So that’s it. The days of Angry Beetham are officially over. Thank you Fat Roland for a decade of silly, delightful, very angry fun.
Day Fever 2025: Vicky and Jon McClure’s smash-hit daytime disco returns to Manchester
Danny Jones
After continued and increasingly huge success, Day Fever is coming back to Manchester once again this spring and it’s going tobe as brilliant a knees-up as it always is.
For those of you who don’t know, you’re about to.
Co-created by Line of Duty and This Is England star Vicky McClure, as well as Reverend and the Makers frontman Jon McClure (no relation, just a fun coincidence), Day Fever invites fellow veteran floor-fillers all those who remain forever young at heart to indulge in a daytime disco experience.
Essentially, this day into evening party is a welcoming space where adults can relive their glory days on the dance floor without sacrificing their beauty sleep. After all, that precious kip gets more important the older you get, am I right?
Day Fever has become an instant hit here in Manchester. (Credit Supplied)
It’s hard not to be a part of the wellness era that we all seem to have entered since the start of the decade, but if you’re not yet ready to shake off those early carefree and rebellious party days from years gone by just yet, then Day Fever really does make for the best of both worlds.
Starting at 3pm, the event has a strict curfew of 7pm, so you’ll be back in time to bid adieu to the babysitter or settle in for a few episodes of your favourite series before clocking in those crucial eight hours plus.
Everyone’s seen those AI-generated photos of what workers will look like in 50 years due to the incessant screen time consumption, right? What better way to give those eyes a break and loosen those stiff joints than by dusting off those disco shoes for an afternoon groove?
As Sheffield-born and bred musician Jon McClure is not only a Northern favourite but, naturally, a bit of a dab hand behind the DJ decks, you can expect nothing but bangers from an equally beloved venue, with New Century Hall returning as willing volunteers for the Day Fever Manchester date.
We spoke to Jon briefly before the most recent run of special New Year’s Eve shows back in December and you could tell how excited he was to see the event going from strength to strength in 2025.
Described as ‘the daytime disco that doesn’t ruin your Sunday’, Day Fever will be an event not to miss with nostalgic TV shows, films and adverts shown on a big screen during the event so you can relive those good old glory days.
The first Manc date of this year’s programme takes place on 22 March with a following event on 19 April and a third – but hopefully not final – one on 10 May. There are also regular equivalents happening in the likes of Leeds, London, Glasgow and pretty much every major city in the UK now.
Day Fever is steadily becoming more and more massive with each edition, so we’re just keeping our fingers across this just the first handful of many shows in 2025.
You can grab your tickets HERE but be quick about because they’ll be gone before you know it.
Featured Images —Press Shots (supplied via Day Fever UK)
City Centre
Don’t worry if you didn’t get Oasis tickets, one of the UK’s best tribute bands is coming to Manchester
Danny Jones
Didn’t get tickets for Oasis? How about we all just go see one of the best tribute acts in Manchester instead? Sounds like a plan, let’s do it.
Yes, unfortunately, one of the biggest downsides to one of the greatest bands of all time returning for a worldwide reunion tour is that, rather ironically, pretty much everyone on the entire planet wants a ticket.
The reality is that many of us Mancs and Oasis fans all over the country and the globe will sadly be missing out on the comeback gigs this summer. Nevertheless, that doesn’t mean we have to miss out on listening to the same iconic tunes as everyone else in a room full of other Britpop lovers.
After all, as we all know, seeing bands live is great and all that – but half the fun is jumping up and down like a loon with hundreds of other people, and these lads can certainly sort that.
🐝 Missed out on Heaton Park tickets? We've got you covered! (quite literally, this one's indoors 🌧)
That’s right, hailed as the UK’s ‘best and most authentic Oasis tribute band’, Oasi-is will be coming to the legendary Manchester Academy complex to give us locals the next best thing.
Not only that but the highly celebrated impersonators and soundalikes will be playing the 950-cap venue on Friday, 11 July, i.e. the same night as Oasis‘ first of five hometown Manchester shows at Heaton Park.
To make things even more interesting and appealing to the die-hards who can’t be there for the real deal this summer, Oasi-is are the only tribute act to the 90s rock and roll stars that can boast using official Oasis equipment in their sets.
Gig-goers will also be treated to authentic visuals and footage projected on the big screens behind them, and dedicated tour DJs to drum up an unrivalled recreation of their heroes, as well as shades and ‘Wellend’ haircuts so convincing you’ll soon forget it’s not the actual Gallagher brothers.
Aiming to mirror the ‘Live ’25’ tour shows as best as possible, you can expect all the classics and even a few curveballs from Standing On The Shoulders Of Giants and Dig Out Your Soul. Who knows? All we can guarantee is that we’d rather be here than just sit enviously watching clips of it at home come July.
We’re not forcing that familiar ‘no-Glasto fever’ on ourselves, we’re just going to make the best of it, thanks to Oas-is.
As if it wasn’t already a pretty great value-for-money gig, with general admission priced at just £20 (plus booking fees), you’ll also get to see an equally brilliant tribute band as well as a local legend for the support slots.
Warming up the crowd will be the world’s premier Arctic Monkeys tribute act, Arctic Numpties, along with Manc DJ legend, Dave Sweetmore. That’ll do just fine.
Tickets are already on sale and it won’t surprise you to learn that, the genuine article or not, it’s selling really well because let’s be honest: we just want to spend the night singing our hearts out whilst jumping up and down to the hits with all our mates.
You can grab your tickets for the Oas-is’ ‘Same Hits. Same Night. Same City’ tribute show at Manchester Academy 2 HERE and, in the meantime, you might want to check out these fellow Oasis obsessives over in Japan too…